Friday, December 18, 2009

Gifts from Gramma Ford

Gramma - here are a few pictures of the boys enjoying your gifts! Ryan was incredibly excited to color such a big banner!

J.J. was excited about the letter to Santa. We had planned to go have them sit on his lap at the mall, but with Chase getting another seizure, we had to postpone those plans. When J.J. found out what that paper was, he was happy that Santa would finally know what he wanted. And without even thinking, he rushed to the mailbox and put the letter in the second after he finished writing his wish list!

Well, of course the kiddos were SUPER excited to open the box from Grandma. For days ahead of time they would ask if it was time to open it yet.

We love the elf theme this year! Everything is darling Mom! Thanks for all the fun toys and crafts!!!

As you can tell, Ryan really enjoyed being a little elf.


  1. Your boys are so adorable! I love those elf pictures of them. Can you believe that soon you're going to have four of those little guys?! Man, they're cute!

  2. Sweet Melinda.... thank you for taking these pictures of my precious Grandson's. Seeing them and the fun things you wrote brings joy to my heart! Love ya.
